Your teeth may resemble bones in appearance and they may be the strongest substance in the body, even stronger than bone — but unlike your bones your teeth cannot heal once broken. This is why it is so alarming when to hear that 1 in 4 adults admit that they generally only brush once a day. Your bones don't need your assistance to remain in good condition as they pretty much regulate themselves; however, when it comes to your teeth, it is up to you to ensure that they remain clean and intact for as long as possible.

Teeth and Bones Contain Similar Minerals with One Main Difference

It is true that both bones and teeth contain minerals such as calcium and phosphorous. However, in regard to regeneration and healing, your bones alone have this capability. When you break a bone, new bone cells begin to repair the damage.

However, while your teeth are essentially alive, containing nerves which send nutrients to strengthen the underlying layer of dentin that resides below the hard outer surface of enamel, the enamel itself is little more than a protective shell. Once penetrated, this shell is compromised until a dentist steps in.

Opening Packets and Bottles Fractures Enamel

Although enamel is tough, like anything that experiences constant use, it will begin to suffer. Eating by itself already tests your teeth, though when you combine that with the habit of opening packets and bottles with teeth, you add an extra and unnatural force to the equation.

Eventually, the strain on your teeth will cause them to break. When that happens, your only way of saving them is to hire the services of a dentist who can then patch up the damage—for a price.

Work With Your Teeth and They Will Last

If you refrain from using your teeth as tools, stay hydrated in order to produce saliva to protect your teeth and brush your teeth twice a day, that protective layer of enamel that keeps your teeth alive should remain intact for many years to come.

However, stay vigilant and listen to your teeth. When a tooth is compromised, it will inform you via sensitivity, pain and colour. If you experience pain or sensitivity, the tooth in question is likely to be fractured or cracked. Even if you can't see it, trust what your tooth is trying to tell you. If a tooth begins to change colour from white to grey, it may have died; however, this will only happen if the tooth experiences trauma of some kind.

Your teeth are not bones. They need your constant care in order to serve you as tools with which you can enjoy your food comfortably. Treat them well, and they will serve you for many years to come. Otherwise, see a dentist as soon as possible because a cavity today could result in a lost tooth tomorrow. 
