As the name clearly indicates, cosmetic dentistry involves restoring a patient's smile and facial appearance by performing a number of different dental procedures, including teeth whitening, dentures, dental crowns, dental veneers, dental bridges, dental bonding and many more. If you have just undergone a dental bonding procedure to fill unsightly gaps in your teeth, you will need to properly care for your teeth if you are to any get satisfactory results. 

Read on to become conversant with some effective after-procedure advice you should heed so you can get the exact results you had expected before agreeing to have a dental bonding procedure.

Be sure to attend dentist's appointments 

After performing a dental bonding procedure, your dentist will ask you to go for regular examinations and cleanings just to make sure that you are responding well to the treatment and so that any potential complications can be detected early and treated early. If the filling material is not properly bonded to the tooth tissue, for example, it can result in persistent tooth pain. Bonding failure, in addition, increases the risk of tooth decay, as bacteria can easily find its way through the gap and infect the pulp of the tooth. This will only worsen things for you. 

It is, therefore, very important to show up for all appointments you have with your dentist until they give you a clean bill of health. And, when you make it for an appointment, be sure to book a new appointment as soon as you possibly can.

Follow dentist's advice

Once they've performed a dental bonding procedure, your dentist will give you expert advice on what you can do and what to avoid. For example, your dentist may tell you that it is best to keep off hard and tacky foods, such as jelly beans, peanuts and chocolate bars, while you are still recuperating from the procedure. They may also advise you to avoid biting on hard things, such as your fingernails and pens, to avoid subjecting your bonded teeth to undue strain, which can lead to bonding failure. 

Never ignore your dentist's instructions for the sake of it. If you do so, it will be at your own peril. But that does not mean you should agree to anything and everything without reservations. It is your dentist's job to address any concerns you might have regarding the advice they are giving you so that you can feel comfortable. 
