Some foods and drinks are more prone to causing feelings of sensitivity and even pain in your teeth when they are consumed. Likewise, some foods can help your teeth to overcome the problem of sensitivity. Small cavities, chipped teeth and worn sections of enamel can all expose your teeth's nerves to foods as they go into your mouth. Therefore, sensitivity is a sign that you need to take action before your teeth get worse and you potentially need to replace them with dentures. Although false teeth are very good these days, it is preferable to look after the set you already have by focussing on your food intake.

  • Enamel Erosion and Acidity

To prevent further erosion of your teeth's outer layer of protection, their enamel coating, you ought to avoid foods which are highly acidic. Some processed meats are more acidic than you might imagine, so avoid things like corned beef or processed turkey. Oranges and apples both have a relatively high acid content, but not as much as other fruits, such as grapes and pomegranates which are more acidic. In fact, tomatoes, rice flour and cheese, which you may not consider to be acidic at all, are often measured with a degree acid content. If you cannot avoid them, then brush with a sensitive style toothpaste immediately after a meal that contains them, thereby reducing the harm done.

  • Cavity Development and Drinks

Chunks of food may not cause you a problem when you eat because the particles in your mouth may be too large to fall into any small cavities you might have in your teeth. However, fluids can make their way into even the tiniest of holes causing sharp pain in the worst cases. Avoid fizzy drinks from cans because they often have a high sugar content which the bubbles help to transmit to just where you don't want them – your cavities. Don't sweeten tea and coffee with sugar. And finally, avoid white wine because its acidity will get into cavities, too. If you do enjoy a tipple, then stick to red wine which is less harmful in this way.

  • Recovering Teeth and Food

Regular brushing and flossing will help your teeth to become less sensitive because problems like cavities will diminish. Eating the right foods can also help this process. Drinking milk is highly advisable since its calcium content is a building block of bones and teeth. Additionally, it is low in refined sugar content and acidity. Broccoli, carrots and sweet potatoes are all good ways of getting Vitamin A into your body, another beneficial ingredient for the formation of new enamel.
