Sleep apnoea is a sleeping condition where your breathing stops at irregular intervals when you are asleep. A sleep dentist is an expert who specialises in treating sleep apnoea using relevant oral and dental appliances. These dentists work with other physicians to examine, diagnose and treat patients with sleep apnoea. If you have sleep apnoea, then you are likely to face certain dental issues. Here are some dental problems that you might experience.

1. Cracks in Your Teeth

When you have sleep apnoea, then you will likely clench and grind your teeth when sleeping. This condition is usually referred to as bruxism. Clenching and grinding your teeth at night will cause tooth sensitivity over time, causing the teeth to crack. Cracks in the teeth increase the risk of getting tooth cavities. Another sign of bruxism is when you wake up with tired or tight jaw muscles. Once you start experiencing such dental issues, it is advisable to visit a sleep dentist. 

2. Severe Headaches

People with sleep apnoea often experience severe headaches for various reasons. For instance, if you are continually grinding the teeth, you end up overusing your jaw and head muscles. Also, a drop in oxygen levels in the blood can result in headaches and other complications. Another reason for serious headaches is when carbon dioxide accumulates in the body due to episodes of sleep apnoea. In such cases, you will probably wake up with your head pounding.

3. Jaw Pains

Jaw disorders, such as TMD, are a common problem with people experiencing sleep apnoea. A common sign that you have a sleeping condition is when you find it difficult to move your jaw. Once you stop breathing when asleep, the jaw will mostly clamp down to stop the blocking of the airways. When this happens over a long period, then you start developing problems with your jaw. If you start experiencing jaw pains, it is advisable to visit a sleep dentist for assistance.

4. Increase in Tooth Cavities

Individuals with sleeping conditions tend to breathe through the mouth as a body reflex to help them take in more air. However, breathing through the mouth can lead to mouth dryness since the protective saliva evaporates. Once this happens, you have a higher chance of getting teeth cavities. An expert dentist will easily notice teeth cavities and recommend a viable solution.

If you have a sleeping condition, a sleep dentist can use oral devices to protect your teeth. The devices work to prevent your tongue or lower jaw from falling back over the airway as you sleep. Therefore, be on the lookout for signs of sleep apnoea. Speak with a sleep dentist to learn more. 
