If one of your teeth has been knocked out during a sports game, car accident, fight, fall or any other incident, then it is important not to panic. Dentists can often save teeth even after they have been knocked out, as long as you act quickly. Follow these steps to save your tooth.

1. Carefully Retrieve the Tooth

The first thing you need to do is find the tooth that has been knocked out. When you spot it, pick it up carefully by the crown (the top part) of the tooth. Try not to touch the root. There is no need to wipe the tooth clean right now; you could do more damage by trying to do so.

2. Store the Tooth in a Suitable Liquid

Teeth survive best when they are placed in milk, but if you don't have any to hand, then water is a better option than leaving the tooth dry. Place it into a container with the liquid, again trying to avoid touching the root with your fingers. If you do not have any water, you can spit as much saliva as possible onto the tooth to keep it moist.

3. Call an Emergency Dentist

Knocked-out teeth do not survive for long, so it is important to visit a dentist right away. Call local emergency dental services to find a dentist who is able to see you today. Bring the tooth with you to the dentist so they can try to reseat it in the gum.

4. Care for Your Mouth

If you have had a tooth knocked out, then it is possible that your mouth is bleeding and in pain. You can gently rinse your mouth with water to clear out the blood, but avoid using mouthwash or alcohol to rinse, which can cause tissue damage. You can control pain by gently pressing an ice pack or bag of frozen peas wrapped in a towel against your cheek on the side where the tooth was lost. Do not place ice directly on the skin or in the mouth as the extreme cold can damage tissue.

5. Be Careful With Pain Medication

If you need medication to control pain after having a tooth knocked out, then the best choice is either ibuprofen or paracetamol. Do not use aspirin as it makes blood less likely to clot, which means that the bleeding from the gum could get worse.

Contact an emergency dentist for more information. 
