Dental fillings are one of the most common restorative procedures that dentists perform. The ubiquity of dental fillings can be attributed to the fact that they are affordable, versatile and effective at restoring teeth affected by cavities. Fundamentally, dental fillings restore holes left behind after removing decayed enamel. Therefore, the fillings restore teeth structure and prevent further attack by bacteria. Dental fillings fall into two categories; metallic and composite resin. Each has its advantages, and while metal fillings have been more popular, composite resin fillings are taking over. This blog highlights the reasons for the increased ubiquity of composite resin dental fillings.

Natural Look

One of the most significant advantages of composite resin dental fillings is that they give your teeth a more natural look than gold or silver amalgam fillings. Also referred to as white fillings, composite resin fillings are made from a biocompatible mixture of plastic and silica. The latter component gives composite resin fillings their white appearance and the reflective characteristic of natural enamel. It might explain why dentists use the same material in dental bonding procedures. The best part is that dentists can match white fillings to the shade of your natural teeth for blending purposes. It makes it virtually impossible for one to know you have a dental filling.

Highly Pliable

When working with metal fillings, dentists have a very short window to work the material into every crevice before it dries. Thus, dentists must work fast and accurately for a successful metal filling treatment. While the fast-hardening property of metal fillings allows you to start chewing a few hours after the procedure, it makes the material difficult to work with. Composite resin fillings are the opposite due to their incredible pliability and slow hardening characteristic. It means that a dentist can work the material to match the natural contours of the teeth, which is critical to chewing. Once a dentist is satisfied with the result, they use an LED curing light to harden the white fillings.

Resistant to Temperature Change

Metals contract and expand when exposed to temperature changes; therefore, you should expect gold or amalgam fillings to behave the same way. It mainly happens when you eat or drink something cold or hot, which can cause cracks and lead to structural issues with the teeth. Composite dental fillings are resistant to temperature changes and remain the same when you take something hot or cold. It goes a long way in protecting your teeth from structural problems and gives you the freedom to enjoy your hot and cold beverages and foods. 

For more info about dental fillings, contact a local dentist. 
